Republican Leadership Delivers for New Hampshire; December Revenues Far Exceed Expectations

Salem, NH - Representative Joe Sweeney, Chairman of Granite Solutions, released the following statement regarding the December 2022 Revenues Report released earlier today:

"Thanks to our successful Republican budgeting and management, State Revenues in December came in $59.8 Million above expectations. New Hampshire Republicans continue delivering for the Granite State as halfway through the 2023 Fiscal Year, our revenues are over $200 Million above expectations. As a member of the House Finance Committee I look forward to working with Republicans in the House and Senate along with Governor Chris Sununu to yet again produce a budget that lives within our means while lowering burdens on employers and Granite Staters of all stripes as we continue to cut taxes and expand prosperity and opportunity for all."



Department of Administrative Services: State of New Hampshire Monthly Revenue Focus, December FY2023