Sweeney Releases Statement on Democrat Gun Control Proposals

Salem, NH -  Rep. Joe Sweeney, Chairman of Granite Solutions and a staunch defender of Second Amendment rights, reaffirmed his unwavering commitment to protecting the liberties of law-abiding gun owners in New Hampshire in response to recent statements made by Joyce Craig and Cinde Warmington regarding proposed gun control measures:

"I firmly believe that our Second Amendment and Article 2a rights are fundamental to our freedom and security," said Rep. Joe Sweeney. "It's troubling to hear any proposals that could potentially restrict the rights of law-abiding citizens who responsibly exercise their Second Amendment rights. Granite Staters believe in a realistic approach that addresses the root causes of violence while respecting the rights of responsible gun owners. We must focus on improving mental health services, strengthening law enforcement efforts, and supporting our communities in a way that respects and reaffirms our constitutional freedoms."
